TAKEN--A Metaphysical Fantasy Audio Drama

DIVIDED: #10 - The Big Reveal

V. Morrow Season 2 Episode 10

SET YOUR MIND on things above with TAKEN--A Metaphysical Fantasy Audio Drama. AND NOW the ADVENTURE CONTINUES with DIVIDED--The Days of Peleg.

Bow to the Image! Has the whole world gone mad? Or is there something wrong with a statue that speaks and the giant man who makes the people worship it? Peleg is virtually alone in his misgivings. Meanwhile, all the rest of Shinar follows the mighty hunter Nimrod in building a Tower to reach the gates of heaven and even the Ancient One Himself. Could the mysterious encounters and cruel whispers heard since the Tower Temple's construction lead to something good? To Peleg the matter is simple, find someone who remembers the truth, someone who still hears The Voice—before it's too late. So, Peleg embarks on a journey to learn the secrets his great ancestors Methuselah and Enoch knew. Little does Peleg realize, Enoch—the very one, taken so long ago to a dimension outside space and time—and his son Methuselah are both working just as fervently toward the same goal. With the aid of a wise, old King, the tales from the stones, and the "knowing" that burns, Peleg may be mankind's only hope to stop the darkness descending from the Tower. Never again will a Flood destroy the earth, the Ancient One promised—next time it will be Fire!

Also please check back for upcoming chapters on this Podcast channel. 

 Remember, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  PLEASE share this UPLIFTING READ with your friends and get ready to SOAR. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR LISTENING and MAY THE FAVOR OF THE ANCIENT ONE BE ON YOU.
Want to know the Beloved? – Visit - https://youtu.be/Bn4M7t69mB4

Chapter 10 – The Big Reveal


Onami, Delmar and Enoch filed into the Medici’s dwelling and waited for their chance to speak with Methuselah alone. 

“This may take a while,” Onami said, content to watch the girl work to put the room back in order.

Delmar shrugged. 

Enoch paced around the room, avoiding contact with his son and Tiph’arah. “It’s good to be back home.” He paused directly in front of Methuselah and gazed deeply into his son’s eyes, “Are you sure they can’t hear or see me?” 

Methuselah made a fire, then started mending the broken door.

“Not at all—unless you reveal yourself. And don’t move any objects around while they are looking. Humans can’t see us. However, they can see inanimate objects move mysteriously by themselves.” Onami said, chuckling. “It’s not good to startle them.” 

Enoch’s mouth dropped. “Hey, was that you who moved my—”

Onami interrupted, “Now, Enoch, let’s not get bogged down with details.” He ignored Delmar’s disapproving gaze and continued cheerfully, “But, I do agree with you Enoch,” Onami said, “It is nice to be back here with you on Adamah. Of course, it is no Heaven’s Realm. But the place does have its charms.” 

Tiph’arah swept her dwelling clean until every inch was free of dust or debris, while Methuselah sat brooding around the fire.

“You know it was foolish to take off like that,” Methuselah said, “I would have gladly escorted you if you had just waited.”

“If I had waited this would have been even worse,” Tiph’arah said, placing her hand on her hip. 

Methuselah said nothing.

“Enoch, the girl Tiph’arah makes really good ketu,” Onami said. “Do you like ketu?”

“Like it,” Enoch said, “It is one of the things I miss most about Adamah. I would give anything for a cup right now.”

“Good!” Onami said, “I’ll get her to make some.”

“Onami,” Delmar said, “Remember you can’t interfere like that.”

“I am not interfering,” Onami replied, “I am merely assisting our charge with a very simple request. We were told to make sure Enoch has everything he needs to complete his task and I am sure he really needs a cup of ketu.” Onami focused his thoughts toward the Tiph’arah. “— actually, more like an extra pitcher of ketu would be better.”

“You know, I should make a couple of pots of ketu before we leave. Would you like some?” Tiph’arah said. She poured water into two pots, filled with leaves and spices, and hung them over the fire. A rich aroma soon filled the room.

Methuselah still stood in the doorway, not saying a word, while he put the finishing touches on the mended frame.

Finally, Tiph’arah broke the silence. “Do not be cross with me, Methuselah. You know I am right. Just think of what could have happened if I had not been the first to arrive back home?” She shuddered at the thought. “Anyone else probably would have been killed by those wolves. Just wait until I tell Father Seth. Someone has a lot of explaining to do. How in Adamah did the trackers allow a pack of blood-lust wolves to roam free in the Seven Hills?”

Methuselah sighed and turned toward her. “Unfortunately, you are probably the best with a blade in the whole Seti of Seth, maybe Nod too. Even Tubal-Cain was almost killed by blood-lust wolves in Avenland Forest. But I do not want the task of defending our tribe, or yourself for that matter, to fall on you. I should have been there. What if—what if something happened to you? My father is gone. Mother Eve is dead. I could not bear it if anything—”

Tiph’arah tilted her head and smiled. “What is this, young one? Do I hear true sentiment for your dear old aunt?” Her smile softened as she poured him a cup of the ketu and handed it to him. “I miss Enoch and Mother Eve too. But I know how to take care of myself and I am perfectly fine. In fact, I am elated I finally got the chance to perfect this technique I had been working on out in the plains the other day. It is a double-blade maneuver that can also be used when dismounting a four-runner and —”

Delmar listened to the girl describe the moves and glared at Onami. “Have you been teaching Tiph’arah our drills?” he demanded.

“Who me?” Onami said innocently. He grabbed two cups of ketu, handing one to Enoch and keeping the other for himself while Tiph’arah’s back was turned. “I would never do that intentionally. But I have discovered that some humans are very sensitive to the well-timed suggestion here and there.”

“She is pretty good,” Delmar admitted. “It was probably a wise course of action since it will be up to her to guard that tunic.”

“Speaking of tunics, how am I going to give this to Methuselah with Tiph’arah around?” Enoch asked. “If we don’t do it soon, we may not have another chance before they head off to the Seti of Nod.”

“He’s right,” Delmar said. “Let’s get her to leave. Maybe you could cause a disturbance outside and then she will leave to see the cause.”

“No way,” Enoch said. “Methuselah will never let her go out alone again tonight. You heard him.”

“I’ve got an idea.” Onami focused his thoughts on the girl. “Tiph’arah, it would be most wise to rest before leaving. A warrior fights best when refreshed.”

Tiph’arah yawned and stretched. “Methuselah, I hate to admit it. But I think fighting off those wolves took more out of me than I thought. I think it would be wise for me to get some rest.” She settled down by the fire. “I will just take a quick nap before sun’s birth.”

Enoch and Delmar stared at each other, dumb founded.

“How did you do that?” Enoch asked. “Tiph’arah never takes naps! She collapses, and only after she can’t fight off sleep any longer.”

 Onami joined him by the fire, humming a melody. “I guess I just have a way with people. I understand how she thinks.”

“Too bad you are not a son of Adam,” Enoch said.


Methuselah’s Time: Location—Sheol, Adamah, First Dimension.

“What!” the Great Leader fumed as he slapped the lesser and sent him sprawling across the room. “I leave you pitiful beasts for just a moment to consort with the Powers, and I return to utter nonsense! Where is the garment? I need it now!” He snatched the lesser by the neck and held him high in the air. “Hades, I should send him to the Pit this instant, don’t you think?”

“It would be my pleasure to escort him to the Pit,” the Leader’s second-in-command said.

“Please, my lord,” the contorted human-like figure rasped, still partially covered with the hair of a wolf. “You don’t understand. The girl was—she was— I mean—”

“Well, I am waiting,” the Great Star Lord said, “and I don’t hear anything that tells me why you shouldn’t be sent to the Pit.”

“No, no, not that—listen—the girl has “The Garment” and she knows how to war. Her moves were not—”

“I sent five of you to do a simple job—take a simple object of clothing—a garment—from a girl—and you can’t even do that. Where are the other four?”

“They are gone—when I saw them thrust threw—I left to report back and get further instructions, my lord. Something like this has—has never happened before.”

The Great Leader dropped the lesser into a heap on the floor. “Gone, did you say?”

“They just vanished—” the lesser tried to explain. “I did see the casings of the wolves we used—but I couldn’t find the rest of our troop who possessed them anywhere. Usually if our host is injured or killed, we regroup and find a new host. But when the girl thrust them through with her spear and blades, I saw no one exit. I looked everywhere for them—where could they be, my lord?”

The Great Leader ignored the troubling conclusion forming in his mind. “I am only concerned about getting that garment. Apparently, the residue is giving her unusual strength,” he answered casually. “This only confirms my plan for its use.”

“Ah, I see it now—it must be given, not taken—that was mentioned somewhere—” The Great Leader muttered to himself. Both Hades and the lesser knew better than to interrupt the Great Leader’s train of thought. So, they both remained silent.

“No matter—I will have it.” Finally, the Great Star Lord turned away from the bruised lesser and faced his first officer. The Power was busy perusing the scrolls scattered on the table. “Hades, what are our options?”

“My lord, if we cannot physically remove her garment, perhaps she could be persuaded to part with it—with the right motivation,” the Power said smoothly.

“Excellent, Hades,” the Great Leader said, “now you are thinking like me. I see my training has not gone to waste on my best pupil.”

“Well, my dear servant,” the Great Leader said, giving the lesser’s head a pat. “All is not lost. You have proven to be of some small use. Tell me, what is this girl’s name?”

The lesser hobbled over to the table to lift himself up. His form was back to its normal grotesque, but hairless state. He thought for a moment, knowing he would pay dearly for the wrong answer. 

“I think I heard the humans call her—Tiph’arah.”


Methuselah’s Time: Location—Seti of Nod, Adamah, First Dimension.

Tubal-Cain hiked slowly up the path to Semjaza’s dwelling, slamming the tall cane rod with each step. It was more for comfort than necessity—he needed no aid to traverse the slippery incline. The rhythm from the pounding seemed to help him order his thoughts—ask for Semjaza—feign an emergency—draw the B’Nai Elohim away. He rehearsed the steps again and again. Repetition replaced the other thought, lurking for a chance to break through—pure fear.

What would the giant child-thing do? How strong was he? Would the B’Nai Elohim suspect anything? What if Father Lamech and the elders were not convincing? How long would his hunting party have before the Elohim returned? 

Tubal-Cain pounded the rod even harder into the ground as if the sound would make his fears go away. While he trudged up the main path leading to the dwellings of the Divine, a troop of hunters, led by his half-brothers Jubal and Jabal, were making their way to Semjaza’s abode too. Their approach would be virtually undetectable through the dense forest. 

Tubal-Cain calculated he would arrive approximately one sunshade ahead of them, just enough time to make casual conversation. Then, the first hunter would bring urgent news of a violent quarrel among the elders. Tubal-Cain would argue loudly with the hunter and insist there was no cause for alarm. He would insist they needed no assistance to settle the disagreement over the pending births— 

“Please, Captain Semjaza be at ease. I can assure you the expecting mothers will be most safe, and this foolish talk of revenge for Naamah’s death is merely the high emotions common to mortal men.” 


He rehearsed the lines, whispering them several times, until the pretense rang true even to his ears— 

“No, Semjaza—not all the Sons of Cain feel this way, only half do and the other half are willing to forgive the trespass, providing no other daughter of Cain passes into the shadows this way. I am most positive I can calm the sentiments of only a thousand or so angry men.”


If Semjaza took the bait, Tubal-Cain would whistle for a four-runner to rush him back to the dwellings of the elders of Cain, with Captain Semjaza and his men following close behind. This whistle would also signal the hidden teams to infiltrate Semjaza’s abode and kill the abominable “wolf” before the other Elohim returned.

Tubal-Cain paused for a moment, pounding the rod into the ground with one last resounding thud. He had arrived. Tubal-Cain surveyed the Watcher’s settlement. The tidy wooden homes of the Divine were just beyond the dirt path, nestled beneath a canopy of trees. An elaborate stone path replaced the dirt where the first home began. At the far end, stood the centerpiece of the village, Semjaza’s abode. It was twice as large as the other homes and was flanked by a couple of Elohim, standing guard. A few of Semjaza’s men moved about freely among the homes, barely noticing him. The rest are probably out patrolling the expanse just beyond Avenland Forest for Adamah knows what. Maybe it is just my imagination, but they had all seemed to be preoccupied with something since Naamah’s death and on edge too. He finally considered the idea he had been avoiding the entire trek up the path. What if Father Lamech is wrong? Tubal-Cain grimaced. The plan sounded so simple and sure when spoken by his father. What if Captain Semjaza won’t leave then what? 

Tubal-Cain pounded his rod again as if he could crush the thought. I must do this. It is the least I can do for Naamah now—and the others. He thought of his sister laying on that stone cold slab—a lifeless beauty, who still looked as if she were merely asleep. Her ceremony of passage would begin tomorrow at sun’s sleep when the moon was full. He frowned. Rage filled him again as he remembered Semjaza’s response to his sister’s death— “Look at my son! Is he not a symbol of perfection, a joy from the Ancient One Himself?” Captain Semjaza and Hazazel drank a toast while his sister lay dying. He never cared one fig for Naamah!  She would never have married Semjaza if she had known their child would be a—

“You there!” the B’Nai Elohim shouted at Tubal-Cain, startling him. The guard left his post at Semjaza’s gate, rushing to flag him down.

“Uh—I was just—” Tubal-Cain began to explain.

“Captain Semjaza requires your presence immediately.” The Watcher turned on his heel, confident Tubal-Cain would obey. “Follow me.”

Well, that was easy. At least I don’t have to make up a reason to see Semjaza.Tubal Cain cleared his throat, trying to hide his anger. “Many pardons, my good B’Nai,” Tubal-Cain said, “but what does Captain Semjaza require from me?”

“How should I know, human,” the Watcher continued walking without so much as a glance over his shoulder, “You will find out soon enough.”


Semjaza splashed the cool liquid over his face, allowing the water to pool in his eyes and drizzle down his cheeks. He slapped his face a few times until his fleshy covering turned ruddy just above the cheeks and under his eyes. Perfect. Semjaza remembered the Great Leader’s instructions. He was prepared to carry them out with precision.

Semjaza tossed things about the room, tousled his groomed dark locks until he looked like a wild man. He caught his reflection in the metallic plate mounted on the wall and grinned. He grabbed the figurine his childling had carved earlier. The image’s likeness to Naamah was unmistakable. He clutched the figure close to his chest and collapsed by the stone fire pit in the corner of the room. He kept his head near the flames, so the heat and ash dirtied his face and flushed his cheeks even more. He lay still, waiting and thinking, practicing the words the Great Leader told him to say just moments earlier. The heat made him sweat and brought real tears to his eyes. Perfect.

“Captain Semjaza,” a strong male called voice from outside, followed by three quick raps on the door. “I have Tubal-Cain, son of Lamech, here as you requested.”

“Please—send him in.” Semjaza’s tone was weak and raspy. He cringed at what the Elohim officer must think of seeing him crumpled on the floor, a disheveled mess. But perception is everything. He remembered the Great Leader’s warning, “Tubal-Cain must be convinced you are sincere, or he will not cooperate.” So, Semjaza swallowed his pride and focused on the goal.

The door swung open, and the human entered the room cautiously.

Semjaza waited just a few moments to make sure Tubal-Cain saw him on the floor. “Oh—Tubal-Cain, I am most grateful to see you—” Semjaza said, pulling himself up slowly from the ground. “I do apologize for my appearance—it’s just that—I mean—everything just hit me all at once—she is—Naamah is really gone—” He held up the figurine still clutched in his hands and burst into sobs.

Tubal-Cain’s mouth was open wide enough to toss a kernel from the pot into it. His eyes narrowed to slits.

For a moment Tubal-Cain said nothing, too stunned to respond. Instead, he gripped his rod tightly, assessing the usually elegant, in-command Captain, looking anything but that. Finally, he cleared his throat.

 Tubal-Cain took a few steps toward the Elohim. He noticed the figurine in Semjaza’s hand for the first time. “What is that?” he asked.

“This? It is just a token of my—Semjaza grabbed a cloth from his cloak and dabbed at his eyes. “Pardon me, I just needed to do something with my hands,” Semjaza said quietly. He held out the figure to Tubal-Cain. 

Tubal-Cain grabbed it, turning it over as he gazed into the incredibly life-like face.

Semjaza’s voice still wavered with emotion. “It is Naamah. I tried my best to memorialize her beauty in this wood—”

“Why would you do that?” Tubal-Cain asked abruptly. “You never truly cared for my sister and all you have offered is broken promises to my family and my tribe.”

Semjaza looked hurt and shocked all at once. He began slowly. “No, Tubal-Cain nothing could be further from the truth. Ever since I was assigned to observe the sons of Adamah, I have only had the upmost respect for your people. Have you so soon forgotten how we came to your aid in Avenland Forrest when the wolves attacked you and you almost perished? Had it not been for our techniques you would have died.”

Tubal-Cain gave a reluctant nod. “Yes, but—”

“And have you forgotten the remedies we have shared for healing, the knowledge we gave for the crafting of metal, and not to mention our willingness to marry the daughters of Cain to bring about your restoration—”

“That is the point! Naamah is not restored—she is dead! Tubal-Cain yelled, unable to contain his anger any longer. And all you have done is rejoice over your childling, even though bearing him cost Naamah her life. What is next? Do you Elohim mean to celebrate while the rest of our daughters die giving birth to your off-spring!” Tubal-Cain spat the words out like venom.

“Certainly not!” Semjaza shouted, squaring his shoulders, and glaring at the shorter man. But then just as quickly, Semjaza turned away as he considered his next words. Tears filled his eyes again. He spoke softly, “You misunderstand us. You misunderstand me. I did truly love Naamah. It is just the way of the B’Nai Elohim to focus on the joy of the moment and not the sorrow. We come from a place of perfection and know little of the sorrows the sons of Adamah face. That is why I did not show sadness at Naamah’s condition after our childling was delivered. I was certain we could heal her in time. I did not realize the extent of her injuries—” Semjaza paused and began to sob again. 

Tubal-Cain was speechless. I never realized they thought they would heal her before she died, the way they healed me. “Perhaps I—we have been too hasty in our perspective—” Tubal-Cain began.

Semjaza interrupted with a nod. “It is true, I care for Naamah deeply and ever since she faded into the shadows, we have been working tirelessly to find a way to bring her back,” he said sincerely. “In fact, Hazazel and many of my best officers are scouring the land of Adamah for the articles we need to help Naamah—to bring her back.”

“Do you mean to tell me you know how to bring Naamah back from the dead? I thought only the Ancient One could give life!” Tubal-Cain asked incredulously. “How could this be? It has been two whole sun sleeps since she died! But I guess the Hidden Father could tell you how. This is wondrous news! I must go and tell the—”

Semjaza grabbed Tubal-Cain by the shoulders, “Tuba-Cain, listen! Yes, I share your excitement at the thought of my Naamah returning to us too, but—there is one problem. And that is what had me so distraught—when you arrived—I thought, well, I thought we could gather everything we needed in time, but there is one item missing—”

“What is it?” Tubal-Cain demanded. “My men and I can help you. The whole tribe would be willing to search for it.”

“If only it were that simple. We know where it is,” Semjaza added sorrowfully, “But I do not see how we can get it, considering—” he hesitated.

“Considering what? Just tell me what you need,” Tubal-Cain said.

Semjaza sighed. “We need Mother Eve’s garment.”

“Mother Eve’s garment? How can her garment help Naamah?” 

“Sit.” Semjaza, motioning his hand toward the cushions surrounding the fire. “I will explain as quickly as I can because we don’t have much time.”

Tubal-Cain nodded anxiously and plopped down next to Semjaza by the fire. The two men spoke in low hushed tones about elixirs, hidden words lost to all men after Adam, and the residue of life-giving power abiding in the very fibers of the garment hand-made by the Ancient One Himself.

“So, can I count on you to convince Mother Eve to allow us the use of her garment?” asked Semjaza solemnly. He grabbed Tubal-Cain by the shoulders, forcing him to look directly into his eyes. “I know I have disappointed you before, but I am asking you to trust me—trust us—one more time. We can save Naamah, but we must perform the rite of passage by sun’s sleep tomorrow or there will be nothing left of her to revive.”

“Oh—well I—” Tubal-Cain said, stopping when he three quick raps on the door.

“What now?” Semjaza snapped, turning to face the door.

“We caught these humans in the woods just outside the camp, Captain.” The Watcher, who had escorted Tubal-Cain earlier, stepped inside and shoved the men brusquely into the room. “They had some story about hunting a blood-lust “wolf” or something. But we have been all through these woods and have seen no errant beasts. Trust me, we would know because we hunt night and day just to get raw flesh for the child—”

“Ah—yes,” Semjaza cut him off with the palm of his hand and addressed the men directly, “Explain yourselves.”

Jubal stumbled into the room, bumping into Jubal, who pushed him back and glared.

Tubal-Cain’s eyes widened.

“Oh quick, Tubal-Cain—you must return at once.” Jubal spoke in a voice as slow and dry as the sands of the south lands. He repeated his lines from Father Lamech’s original plan perfectly. “You see, Honored B’Nai Elohim, the tribesmen are upset. The Council is meeting as we —”

“I can explain.” Tubal-Cain silenced the man’s monotone response with the palm of his hand. “The Council is concerned about reports of blood-lust wolves roaming near Nod. They sent my tracking party to hunt it down.” 

Tubal-Cain continued quickly before his brothers could chime in. 

“But, the “wolf” has moved on, so there has been a change of plans,” Tubal-Cain said.

He stared intently at his brothers as if he could relay the importance of their obedience with one look.

Jubal squinted, confused. “What?” he mouthed silently.

Tubal-Cain glared even harder, emphasizing his words. “Please return to the Seat of Elders at El Tevah. Let Father Lamech know there has been a new development.”

Jabal and Jubal stared blankly at Tubal-Cain.

“But Father Lamech will not—” Jabal began.

“Enough!” Tubal-Cain barked, sounding more like Lamech than he knew. “The Hidden Father has answered our prayers again. The honored B’Nai Elohim Captain Semjaza has informed me that Naamah can be revived. This is a time for rejoicing, not questioning. Please relay the good tidings to Father Lamech.”

The hunters stood there, dumbfounded.

“You heard him.” Captain Semjaza waved his hand toward the door. “Be off now or my guards will not be pleased.”

Tubal-Cain waited until the men left the room. “I will leave for the Seti of Seth at once,” he whispered as he bowed to Semjaza, “and when I return, all will be well.” He grabbed his tall rod, smiling as he dashed out the door.

Semjaza returned Tubal-Cain’s hopeful smile with one of his own. “Perfect."