TAKEN--A Metaphysical Fantasy Audio Drama

DIVIDED: #11 - Tricks and Traps

V. Morrow Season 2 Episode 11

SET YOUR MIND on things above with TAKEN--A Metaphysical Fantasy Audio Drama. AND NOW the ADVENTURE CONTINUES with DIVIDED--The Days of Peleg.

Bow to the Image! Has the whole world gone mad? Or is there something wrong with a statue that speaks and the giant man who makes the people worship it? Peleg is virtually alone in his misgivings. Meanwhile, all the rest of Shinar follows the mighty hunter Nimrod in building a Tower to reach the gates of heaven and even the Ancient One Himself. Could the mysterious encounters and cruel whispers heard since the Tower Temple's construction lead to something good? To Peleg the matter is simple, find someone who remembers the truth, someone who still hears The Voice—before it's too late. So, Peleg embarks on a journey to learn the secrets his great ancestors Methuselah and Enoch knew. Little does Peleg realize, Enoch—the very one, taken so long ago to a dimension outside space and time—and his son Methuselah are both working just as fervently toward the same goal. With the aid of a wise, old King, the tales from the stones, and the "knowing" that burns, Peleg may be mankind's only hope to stop the darkness descending from the Tower. Never again will a Flood destroy the earth, the Ancient One promised—next time it will be Fire!

Also please check back for upcoming chapters on this Podcast channel. 

 Remember, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man, The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  PLEASE share this UPLIFTING READ with your friends and get ready to SOAR. THANK YOU AGAIN FOR LISTENING and MAY THE FAVOR OF THE ANCIENT ONE BE ON YOU.
Want to know the Beloved? – Visit - https://youtu.be/Bn4M7t69mB4

Chapter 11 – Tricks and Traps


“Idiot!” Father Lamech yelled, slamming the door behind him. Every elder at the Seat of Council cringed. Every line on Lamech’s aged face bulged as he confronted the unfortunate party. “I sent that fool out to do a simple errand and how does he repay me?”

Tubal-Cain’s hunters didn’t bother to answer the question. They knew no answer would please the headstrong patriarch. Jubal, now the leader in Tubal-Cain’s absence, stared at his father’s feet.

“With foolishness—that is how!” Lamech pounded his fist on the table. The trays bounced, sending the contents sprawling. “I must admit, I am surprised at you Jubal. How could you let your brother ruin our mission?”

Father Lamech didn’t wait for an answer, instead he ranted non-stop until even the elders at the Seat of Council wilted under the insults of his foul tongue. 

“Uh—may we be dismissed now, Father Lamech?” Jubal asked politely. He hummed a little tune as if he had not heard a word of the public dressing down.

“Of course, you may.” Lamech mimicked his courtesy and shook his head in disbelief at his youngest son’s complete lack of concern. “This be no place for weak-willed, dim-dims who cannot find the courage to avenge our honor!” Lamech raised his fist to strike.

“That is enough, Father!” Jabal aimed his dagger at his father, blocking the blow to Jubal. “You accuse us, but this is Tubal-Cain’s fault and yours. You were the one too weak-willed to do it yourself!”

The rest of the exhausted troop’s bravado returned. Every hunter readied his weapon, eager to fight.

“Pardon our excitement, honored ones.” Father Cain’s voice was calm as he moved between the elder and his sons. “This unexpected news is concerning.” He paused to glare at Lamech. “But we, of the Council, do appreciate your service. Please allow us to discuss this—without interruption.” He gestured toward the door.

Immediately a sebassi appeared to open it. 

“Please be refreshed from your journey,” Cain said. “The sebassi will take care of your needs and give you the pledge promised for your efforts.”

Father Cain continued once the men departed. “Let us not jump to conclusions. Perhaps Tubal-Cain chose wisdom. We were not present to know one way or the other,” Cain said. He did not want to needlessly slander his namesake, Tubal-Cain. “If the Elohim are able to remedy the situation and deliver on their promises, this alliance may still prove true.” 

“Fah! I will believe it when I see it,” Father Lamech said. “There have been too many broken promises from the B’Nai Elohim. The weapons they promised are inadequate. The new breeding techniques for the livestock are unreliable and the childling is a threat. I say we just kill it!” He fumed, not even bothering with the guise of the “wolf” to hide their intentions.

“Watch your tongue!” Medici Yabbesheth hissed from the corner of the room. “Do you want to bring unnecessary wrath on us all?”

“Medici Yabbesheth is right,” Father Cain said. “Our only course of action is to wait—at least until sun’s sleep tomorrow. The abode of the Divine is well-guarded, especially Semjaza’s dwelling. I fear the trackers sent with Tubal-Cain have revealed our hand. If the Elohim fulfill their portion of our covenant, no further course of action is needed. If not—”

“If not,” Father Lamech said, “We will be ready. That I guarantee.”


Methuselah’s[V1]  Time: Location—Seti of Seth, Adamah, First Dimension.

Methuselah added another magma stone to the pit and stoked the fire to life again. He settled across from Tiph’arah so he could clearly see the door, just in case. He nestled against the wall to watch until first light. His eye lids drooped. He shook himself, sat up straighter and stared into the flames. The smoke seemed to swirl and thicken into a figure of a man right before his eyes. He rubbed them.

“I must be more tired than I realized,” he chuckled to himself. “I am seeing things.”

“Methuselah,” a voice said in low tones.

Methuselah frowned and shook his head. His eye lids fluttered, he grunted, and fell fast asleep.

“Methuselah,” the voice called again a little louder.

“That is not how it is done,” Onami insisted. “Always start off like this—Behold!”

Tiph’arah woke with a start. She sat straight up and looked around the room. “Did you hear that noise?” she asked.

Methuselah did not respond.

 “Are you sleeping Methuselah?” she asked.

“What?” he sat up a little straighter, “No, of course not.” He grabbed the metal rob and jabbed at the fire.

“I could have sworn I just heard a voice,” Tiph’arah said.

“I did not hear anything.” Methuselah opened the door and peered into the forest. “There is nothing. You must have been dreaming.” He shut the door and locked it. “Go back to sleep. I will wake you at first light to leave for Nod.”

Tiph’arah seemed doubtful but was too tired to argue. “Fine—but no more sleeping.” She laid her head back on the cushion and fell asleep almost instantly.

“Now, let’s try this again,” Delmar said, “this time, without waking the girl.”

“And just how do you propose we do that?” Onami asked. “Her senses seem to be heightened.”

Delmar explained, “Show him how to release brilliance, Onami. Then say something peaceful like—”

“Fear not!” Onami exclaimed.

“But not so loud,” Delmar said. “Enoch, after you release your brilliance just very calmly say: ‘Fear not, Methuselah.’”

“I have no idea how to release brilliance,” Enoch said.

“It’s easy,” Onami said, “Just think releasing thoughts.”

Enoch looked even more confused.

“Okay, I see we are going to have to start from level one,” Onami spoke very slowly. “Just—imagine—that—”

“Onami, he is not stupid,” Delmar said, “He is just beginning to learn about dimensionality, remember?”

“Oh, right,” Onami said with an apologetic smile. “So, just focus on your strongest memory of Methuselah, release that thought and boom—”

“No! No booming,” Delmar said, “We are aiming for a nice, gentle release of golden light that fills the room, not a knock-him-off-his-four-runner-and-blind-him kind of light.”

“Would one of you please just show me how to do this?” Enoch furrowed his brow. “I have been focusing and nothing is happening. We are running out of time.”

“I do see what you mean,” Onami noticed the lack of aura surrounding Enoch. 

“Delmar, help him,” Onami said absently. He was busy examining the contents of Tiph’arah’s pack. “Ooh—she has a new blade!”

Delmar sighed. “Enoch, I think the problem is that you are trying too hard. Releasing is effortless. There is no striving in love.”

“Love? Onami didn’t say anything about love. He said to focus on my strongest memory of Methuselah,” Enoch said.

“Enoch, the strongest memory will be a loving memory, or even a feeling of love will do. Just think about how much you love your son and think about how much love and peace you feel when you’re in the Beloved’s presence,” Delmar said.

“I think I understand now.” Enoch smiled and let his shoulders drop, exhaling slowly as he thought of how he felt when Methuselah was born. He remembered his first smile. The joy he felt when Methuselah came home delighted after his first hunt. Enoch felt fire begin in the pit of his stomach, like he had when the One Mind spoke to him. It burned stronger, spreading throughout his frame.

“There you go!” Onami said excitedly. “You just pierced the veil.”

Tremendous, golden light filled the room and along with it a sense of— peace.

“Now! Now, say it!” Delmar whispered excitedly, poking him in his side.

Methuselah was wide awake, staring at the light-filled room. He put his hand over his eyes to shade them. His eyes grew round. His jaw dropped. He looked as if he would—

“Fear not,” Enoch said, imitating the way the Beloved spoke. He took one step toward his son. The action, he noticed, released more of himself. He knew the outline of his form was visible now.

“Father?” Methuselah asked. A smile began to form, then broaden into a wide grin. “Father! It is you!” Methuselah jumped up to embrace him. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw two other bright lights appear suddenly at his father’s side. These lights turned into tall men whose aura blinded him until he fell back in a fright. 

“Ah—” Methuselah shielded his eyes once more but strained to see his father. “Father, you are back. I knew you would return—”

He stopped when he felt something warm and weighty land on his shoulders. It immobilized him for a moment. Methuselah wanted to reach back and touch it. But the tingling sensation pressing into him kept him still. The pressure felt like the strongest of winds, but it only blew on him—or rather through him. He sat that way for a while, under the weight of it. Finally, he glanced, over at Tiph’arah. She stirred a little and mumbled something about a blade.

Methuselah laughed. At least she was normal. Talking about weapons, even in her sleep. 

Then as suddenly as it came, it left. The pressure was gone. What was that? Was I dreaming? I must have been dreaming. 

Methuselah stood up and stretched. The dream felt so real. He reached to take off his cloak and mumbled, “It is warm in here. The fire must have burned all night.” 

He turned around to put out the flames. The pit was full of ash. There was no fire. 

Then he noticed it. Familiar sleeves hung loosely around his outstretched arms. Letters and symbols were embroidered into the hem of the garment. 

“Adam’s tunic!” he gasped as he pulled the garment away from his chest.  Methuselah swung around the room, searching. No one was there. “The dream—Father Enoch—it was real,” he whispered. 

“So, it is final then.” Methuselah dropped his head. “I have the Bearer’s garment and the scrolls.” Now he knew his father would not return. “He did not even speak with me—he left me—again.”

“Methuselah,” a quiet voice said.

Methuselah spun around searching again. “Father?” he whispered.


This time the voice seemed to come from inside his head. But it was not his voice, nor Enoch’s. The pit of his stomach burned with fire.

“Yes?” he answered The Voice, feeling heat spread throughout his frame.

“Read the scroll.”


 “He will be fine,” Delmar said. “Do not worry.”

“I do wish we could travel with him to Nod,” Enoch said.

“So, do I,” Onami said. “I bet there will be a confrontation and I can’t wait to see Tiph’arah use that double-back blade maneuver.”

“Captain Onami of the Alpha Company!” Delmar said, “Have you been teaching Tiph’arah the positions?”

“Of course not!” Onami said. “How could you even suggest such a thing? I would never do that.” He gave Delmar a pat on the head. “But if some humans are sensitive to multidimensional dream waves, there isn’t anything I can do about that.”

Delmar frowned. “The sooner we return Enoch to Heaven’s Realm and you to your new post, the better,” Delmar said. Then he softened his expression when he noticed Enoch’s forlorn gaze.

“You will feel better when you return to the upper dimensions where the Beloved’s perspective prevails,” Delmar said, “You have completed your mission. You obeyed, even though you wanted to say more—to do more— you obeyed. Now you can rest.”

“Yep,” Onami said, “it’s just good ole’ Code Ethics 101—every act of obedience brings peace. That is principle number one.”

“If every act of obedience brings peace,” Enoch said. “What does a little disobedience bring?”


Methuselah’s Time: Location—Avenland near Seti of Nod, Adamah, First Dimension.

Methuselah and Tiph’arah descended the last incline on the far side of the Seven Hills.

Methuselah shifted uncomfortably on his four-runner, still getting used to the weight of the Bearer’s garment underneath his own cloak. He yelled over his shoulder. “Not much further now.” It was almost sun’s peak. They had made excellent time, due to a few short-cuts Tiph’arah had suggested. “That path through winding rock put us ahead almost one sun-shade.”

“Of course, it did,” Tiph’arah said, “I am only the best tracker that— ho—look ahead Methuselah.” Tiph’arah pulled the reins of her four-runner, slowing the creature down to a trot.

Methuselah followed suit. “I see it. How many?”

“Looks like just one—but more could be following at a distance.”

Methuselah slowed his four-runner to a walk.

Tiph’arah followed suit. “There,” she said, pointing to an enclave under a towering Father Tree., “we can take cover and find out.”

“Agreed.” Methuselah moved the animals out of sight. “I will cover our tracks.”

“And I will do what I do best,” Tiph’arah said with a grin.

“Okay, but don’t go overboard.”


“Traps!” Tubal-Cain swung his arms wildly, flailing back and forth to keep from hitting the tree. “Who, in Adamah’s name, puts traps in the middle of Avenland!” Tubal-Cain shouted.

“Tell me, Tubal-Cain,” Tiph’arah stepped from behind the bushes, covered in leaves from head to toe. “Why does a tracker, such as yourself, not see a simple trap in the middle of Avenland? You be most fortunate I did not have more time, or you would be doing more than hanging upside down.” 

Tiph’arah pulled out her new blade and slashed the intricate knot in one motion.

Tubal-Cain came tumbling down and landed in a pile at her feet.

Tiph’arah tilted her head sideways, noticing the resemblance between him and Naamah. “I am truly sorry for the discomfort,” she said, remembering the reason for her journey to Nod. She gave him a hand up. “Unfortunately, you will not be getting the sensation back in your limbs for quite some time. Those ropes were laced with eldenrod.”

Tubal-Cain grimaced. He massaged his feet with both hands trying to rub away the numbness caused by the poisonous plant.

“For truth, I am sorry,” she said. “I was on my way to pay my respects to Naamah. Despite the differences between our clans, we were close.”

Tiph’arah noticed for the first time, his disheveled appearance and lack of preparation. Where was his tracker’s pack with his supplies and gear? All he had with him was a tall rod. “Why are you out this way?” She eyed him suspiciously. “Should you not be with your people preparing for the Rite of Passing?”

“That is the reason for my haste, Tiph’arah” Tubal-Cain said. “There may not be a Rite of Passing. If I hurry—and I get what I am searching for—there may just be a celebration.”

 [V1]Headings got confusing for Evelyn here starting on page 85. She skipped the titles, and it wasn’t confusing. Use just a physical feature like the three dots and just the person’s time, like Methuselah’s Time. Do not change throughout but do a copy that makes the change, so I still have it the original way.